jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015
domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015
viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015
Profesor de Montebello Academy, recibió reconocimiento internacional como Docente Innovador de Mi Ciudad
Reconocimiento a un Docente de la Ciudad de Quito
La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la
Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura junto a Microsoft Latinoamérica y con el
apoyo de FORO 21, premiaron una experiencia pedagógica de nuestra ciudad.
Este reconocimiento se propone destacar
las buenas prácticas de profesores y maestros a lo largo y ancho de
Latinoamérica y se realiza en el marco de los múltiples esfuerzos llevados
adelante por las comunidades y gobiernos de nuestra región para la inclusión de
las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos pedagógicos.
El proyecto galardonado se titula The symphony
of elements, realizado por el
Docente VICTOR BRITO en la Montebello Academy de la localidad de Quito, Pichincha,
a cargo de la Directora Principal Mónica Torres. El
mismo, fue seleccionado de entre más de 4.400 proyectos, por su innovación e
inclusión significativa de las nuevas tecnologías.
El proyecto del docente premiado
se destaca por la comunicación con los alumnos de una manera fluida. Desde los
recursos seleccionados para compartir en el blog, con contenidos bien
explicados acompañados de algunos tonos de humor... hasta las propuestas de
actividad innovadoras.
Para la OEI, el proyecto premiado
representa una buena práctica con tecnologías. Este tipo de experiencias permiten construir sociedades más
justas y democráticas y, especialmente, avanzar en la inclusión social.
A su vez, para Microsoft Latinoamérica el acceso a las
nuevas tecnologías permite a los alumnos desarrollar habilidades modernas como la comunicación,
colaboración, capacidad de solucionar problemas y conciencia global. Por
esta razón, pondera positivamente la acción de los gobiernos, que son los que
facilitan el acceso al uso de estas herramientas favoreciendo la equidad en el
acceso a la educación por parte de la población.
Acerca de:

La Organización de
Estados Iberoamericanos
La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la
Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) es un organismo internacional de
carácter gubernamental para la cooperación entre los países iberoamericanos en
el campo de la educación, la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura en el contexto
del desarrollo integral, la democracia y la integración regional.
Estados Miembros de pleno derecho y observadores son todos los países
iberoamericanos que conforman la comunidad de naciones integrada por Argentina,
Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, República Dominicana,
Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Guinea Ecuatorial, Honduras, México,
Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Uruguay y Venezuela. http://www.oei.org.ar

La misión corporativa de
Microsoft es ayudar a las personas y las empresas alrededor del mundo a
desarrollar todo su potencial. Microsoft está comprometido a promover que la
tecnología sea más relevante y accesible para las 5 mil millones de personas de
todo el mundo que aún no disfrutan de sus beneficios. Microsoft Educación
trabaja con escuelas, gobiernos y organizaciones no gubernamentales para
favorecer la inclusión digital promoviendo el acceso a la tecnología en las
aulas y capacitando a los docentes y estudiantes de las escuelas públicas y
privadas de toda Latinoamérica, centrándose en empoderar a alumnos y docentes,
para apoyar a las personas a desarrollar su potencial de aprendizaje.
Datos de contacto:
Galia Kohon
e-mail: gkohon@foro21.com.ar
tel: 0054 9 11 2355 7467
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015
II partial activity
Biochemistry Preparatory 11
Dear students,
Goal: In this activity you will learn to summarise main ideas, statements and properties by using comics.
Activity 1
Create a comic with as many scenes you need to summarise any of the main topics we have covered in this chapter of excretion and the urinary system. Do not forget to talk about some accesory organs!
These are the steps you may follow:
1. You will complete this activity by visiting bitstripsforschools.com and entering the class code Bio-04 in the part of STUDENT LOGIN.
2. Click on your name and type the password which will be sent during this week to your e-mail adress.
3. Go to activities to complete and click on Biochemistry.
4. Pay attention to the example, watch the following Video tutorial and click on Start Activity.
5. Due date: Monday, May 25th
Dear students,
Goal: In this activity you will learn to summarise main ideas, statements and properties by using comics.
Activity 1
Create a comic with as many scenes you need to summarise any of the main topics we have covered in this chapter of excretion and the urinary system. Do not forget to talk about some accesory organs!
These are the steps you may follow:
1. You will complete this activity by visiting bitstripsforschools.com and entering the class code Bio-04 in the part of STUDENT LOGIN.
2. Click on your name and type the password which will be sent during this week to your e-mail adress.
3. Go to activities to complete and click on Biochemistry.
4. Pay attention to the example, watch the following Video tutorial and click on Start Activity.
5. Due date: Monday, May 25th
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015
Become a master in STOICHIOMETRY!!!
Chemistry Preparatory
Dear students,
Goal: In this activity you will perform calculations for keeping and maintaining the law of concervation of matter and energy.
According to the studied contents, here you are going to find basic concepts, statements and exercises for aquiring a better understanding by solving two activities. Read them and prepare your materials for performing calculations about ratios in chemical reactions.
Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry that involves using relationships between reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data. In Greek, stoikhein means element and metron means measure, so stoichiometry literally translated means the measure of elements. In order to use stoichiometry to run calculations about chemical reactions, it is important to first understand the relationships that exist between products and reactants and why they exist, which require understanding how to balanced reactions.
Activity 2
Solve the following exercises: (Important! for this activity you will have to solve only the last link Practice Final Exam, Multiple Choice Only
sit at home and wonder if you were doomed to fail the upcoming quiz?
Well, now you can find out for sure by doing a bunch of practice
problems. Actually, my real purpose for putting these practice
worksheets on the internet is that I want you to learn the material
-- as the saying goes, practice makes perfect! I've
included the answers so you can see if you need to do some more
studying. With a little practice, all of you should be able to
solve any problem in chemistry!
worksheets (c) 2000-2014 Cavalcade Publishing.
Rights Reserved. Please address all inquiries to
Dear students,
Goal: In this activity you will perform calculations for keeping and maintaining the law of concervation of matter and energy.
According to the studied contents, here you are going to find basic concepts, statements and exercises for aquiring a better understanding by solving two activities. Read them and prepare your materials for performing calculations about ratios in chemical reactions.
Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry that involves using relationships between reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data. In Greek, stoikhein means element and metron means measure, so stoichiometry literally translated means the measure of elements. In order to use stoichiometry to run calculations about chemical reactions, it is important to first understand the relationships that exist between products and reactants and why they exist, which require understanding how to balanced reactions.
Topics you will need to revise before getting started with this activity:
Activity 2
Solve the following exercises: (Important! for this activity you will have to solve only the last link Practice Final Exam, Multiple Choice Only
Reaction Worksheets (14): Balancing equations, word equations, stoichiometry, gas stoichiometry, percent yield, reaction types, limiting reagents, redox reactions, solution stoichiometry. | |
Solutions Worksheets (16): Molarity, molality, mole fraction, dilutions, acids and bases, pH, pOH, titrations, weak acids, colligative properties, Ksp calculations, making solutions, pop quiz, like dissolves like. | |
Covalent and Metallic Materials Worksheets (12): Lewis structures, VSEPR, polarity, intermolecular forces, practice test, properties of metals. | |
Naming Compounds Worksheets (9): Naming ionic and covalent compounds, organic compounds, acids and bases. | |
Gas Law Worksheets (8): Combined & ideal gas laws, Boyle's law, Charles's law, Dalton's law of partial pressures, RMS velocity problems, gas stoichiometry. | |
Calculations Worksheets (6): Unit conversions, molar masses, grams-moles-molecules, percent composition. | |
Miscellaneous Worksheets (17): Sig figs, types of solids, the early atom, phase diagrams, electron configurations, subatomic particles, nuclear reactions, scientific notation, heats of reaction, Le Chatelier's principle, calorimetry, functional groups, first semester review sheet, properties of ionic compounds. | |
Practice Final Exam, Multiple Choice Only - It may not cover everything you did in your class, but it's a start! |
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